National Awards Portal
Opens Jan 17 2024 12:00 AM (EST)

Welcome to the new Girl Guides of Canada Awards Portal!

By clicking "Apply" on the right side of the screen, you can submit a nomination for a provincial or national award. Please make sure that you read about the requirements for the award you're nominating someone for as each award has its own set. Letters of support must be included at the time of nomination.

If the person you are nominating doesn't meet all the criteria and you are looking for an exception, please attach additional information about why alongside the letters.

Remember! Awards may be applied for at any time during the year and can be presented at any appropriate event. Timelines for each award vary but they can take 4-6 weeks from the time of nomination.

Questions? Contact


National Awards Portal

Welcome to the new Girl Guides of Canada Awards Portal!

By clicking "Apply" on the right side of the screen, you can submit a nomination for a provincial or national award. Please make sure that you read about the requirements for the award you're nominating someone for as each award has its own set. Letters of support must be included at the time of nomination.

If the person you are nominating doesn't meet all the criteria and you are looking for an exception, please attach additional information about why alongside the letters.

Remember! Awards may be applied for at any time during the year and can be presented at any appropriate event. Timelines for each award vary but they can take 4-6 weeks from the time of nomination.

Questions? Contact

Jan 17 2024 12:00 AM (EST)